Thanking the Authors Blog Hop

Hello everyone! I’m incredibly thankful for authors, especially Indie authors, and that is the reason why I signed up for this blog hop. I am so grateful because being a fellow Indie author, they have helped me in so many ways when I first started out. An entire group welcomed me with open arms, and without them I would have been lost.

So thank you fellow authors! Thank you for helping me, answering my questions, and promoting my books. Thank you for writing such amazing stories and allowing us to enter magical places through your words.

To show my thanks and give back, please enter my giveaway below:

STEP 1: Download the first book in my series – Sweet Oblivion (FREE everywhere ebooks are sold)

Barnes & Noble

STEP 2: ENTER THE GIVEAWAY for the second book Sweet Escape!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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