Wolf Spell by M.R. Polish

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Wolf Spell Bloopers!With the tour for Wolf Spell getting ready to kick off, I thought we (Ian, Es, Jarak and myself) could let you in on some of the fun and not so fun moments writing Wolf Spell. We had a lot of outtakes, bloopers and deleted scenes. Some of them we swore to never speak of again, but for the purpose of entertainment we have agreed to divulge a couple!

          Deleted Scene
The day was gloomy with white snow clouds hovering over the little town of Elko. I looked out my window to watch as a flock of blackbirds swooped low past my house. I hit another block. Well, I wouldn’t call it a block, more of a disagreement with my character. Seriously, why does Es have to be so complicated and stubborn? I already told her I didn’t want to go there and she ups and does it anyway. Now she thinks she can awaken the witches before book two? Why does she do this to me?
          I stare at my computer screen, watching as the curser blinks like its mocking me. The following is a deleted scene that I promised Es would never make it in the book…
          Ian grabbed the stake and forcefully pushed it in my hand. I wasn’t ready for this. What if something happens and I make the curse worse instead of better?
          “You’ll need it incase a breed gets through the spell.” His eyes were hard set on me, making me want to shrink back.
          Where was Jarak? Shouldn’t he be here with me instead of Ian? My heart pounded hard and I could hear my pulse in my ears. I didn’t really want Ian to leave, I didn’t want Jarak to be the one with me. What was my problem? I shook my head and took a step back, needing some breathing room so I could think clearer.
          I shoved the stake back into his hand. “I don’t need it.”
          “What the hell Es!” His total change in attitude bewildered me. I didn’t know what was wrong.
          He held up his hand… The same one I put the stake in. Only I hadn’t realized how much strength I used and the it was sticking out, completely embedded in his palm. I gasped and went to reach out for him. “Oh my gosh, I am soooo sorry. Let me help.”
          He pulled it out with a groan deep in his throat.  “No, you’ve done enough.”
          I wanted to cry, that wasn’t supposed to happen. Um, M.R. can we start this scene over? Or better yet, can we just delete it altogether? I don’t want to relive this. I’m so humiliated. I can’t believe I did that.

          Blooper from page 127 – chapter 10
          Wimpy witch my ass, all the week’s frustrations I had pent up churned inside me. I’d show him. The sprout grew about an inch and blossoms formed into tiny leaves, letting me know I’d made a connection with it.
          He used his hands to beckon me. “Come on, I have all night for you to make me moan.”
          I busted out laughing. “Moan? I thought your line was; I have all night for you to make me whine. “ I sauntered closer to him, overly swinging my hips to play with him. “But, I can make you whimper and moan if you’d like.”
          “Ah crap. I can’t believe I said that.” He rubbed his hands over his face.
          “Maybe deep down you really want something else,” I continued to tease him. It was too easy. Not that I wouldn’t mind doing that with him instead of training, but it was fun to see him frustrated.
          He threw his head back. “M.R. Can we start that over?”
          I laughed. “I agree, I think Jarak here needs to regroup so he doesn’t moan.”
          Words that made life interesting while writing Wolf Spell….

          Lightening…. Should be lightning… Um ya, sorry about that!

          Dessert… you guessed it, it should be desert… stupid homophones!

          Effect and affect… seriously? Who decided on this crap when making the English language? Were they affected by the stupid mushroom they were smoking? GRRRRR…..

          Blonde VS. Blond … really? Who cares! He/she has freaking yellow hair! LOL

          Had been…. Okay, I can’t go there without crying right now.

          Really, like, very and have… those words follow me everywhere…. I really don’t understand. I have to use them or nothing comes out the way I like. I had a very hard time with it. Okay, not really, but I wanted to use those words very bad! LOL

          Thank you for letting me vent a little about the writing of Wolf Spell…  I hope you had fun laughing at a couple of my experiences and like the book. (trust me there were plenty more!) So far book two is even more interesting and the scenes have been deleted many times!
You are awesome,
M.r. Polish

Wolf Spell
M.R. Polish
ONLY   .99 !!!

With a death starts a new beginning…
Eighteen-year-old Esmerelda thinks she’s just a normal girl, but all of that changes the day of her mom’s funeral, when a warlock, intent on using her special powers, kidnaps her. Powers she didn’t know existed. Thrown in the middle of a magical battle, Es struggles to learn her magic while fleeing both vampires and warlocks, at the same time, hunting for the witches that can help defeat her adversary. The only problem is that they are dead.
Thankfully, she has the help of Jarak—her Guardian—who quickly captures her heart, but she wonders if she can win his? Just when she thinks Jarak is the one for her, Ian appears with daggers drawn to save Es from a vampire attack. Ian is cocky and rude, but there is something magnetic about him—something that attracts her to him. With her heart torn between two men, she faces the foes that are out for her blood. 
Can Es do the unthinkable and awaken them from their graves before time runs out?
Where can you find Wolf Spell? 

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