Today marks the first month that Ageless Sea has been out and I am excited about it. I am so excited that I want to give you an ereader with the cover of Ageless Sea on it, AND I will even sign it! It is just a small token of my appreciation. BUT I have even better news, I will let the winner pick if they would like a Kindle (to use with Amazon) OR a Nook Touch (to use with Barnes & Noble)!!! That’s right, should you win, YOU get to pick!
Now, on to the good stuff! How can it get any better than winning an ereader? Well, getting a look at the book that started this awesome giveaway of course! First, let’s set the mood…
I think this song fits so well for the whole book. If you have read it – do you hear it? I can hear Brady singing it to Karis lol. I listened to this song while writing Ageless Sea and it is on my playlist over on Spotify, should you want to listen to the whole “soundtrack” I used. Can you pick out any songs for certain scenes???
While writing Ageless Sea I didn’t sleep much, my keyboard became my pillow. From beginning to end, my characters kept me on my toes. They changed into amazing people that I am happy to share with you. Ageless Sea started off with a dream I had in the middle of the night. I remember rolling over and grabbing my phone to take notes because it was perfect and since then I haven’t been able to get Karis or Brady too far out of my mind.
One thing I didn’t realize until I started writing, was that Brady was funny. I laughed out loud many times while writing and my family would look at me with that ‘she’s losing it’ look and move on. Here is a part of one of the first scenes where he shows his humorous side:
Don’t Forget to join us Tomorrow May 2nd for the LIVE Blog Talk Radio Show!! You can call in and talk to us and listen in on the fun. The Winner of the Giveaway will also be announced!!
SUPA GIVEAWAY a Rafflecopter giveawaya Rafflecopter giveaway
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