For anyone who stumbles upon the post I made below, please note: as of 6:10 pm Eastern, all 10 paperbacks that I was giving away have been spoken for. If you’d like to purchase one at regular price, you can do so online at most major retailers. If you’d like to purchase a signed copy for $10, you can do so at my shop here.


Original post:

Oh, Mondays.

That’s all I have to say about that.


Here is a bit of good and bad news:

The printers produced 10 defective paperbacks of SWEET REDEMPTION (Sweet Series #4). Thankfully, they sent me 10 replacements, but that leaves me with TEN defective paperbacks that I can’t sell – that’s the bad news. But here’s the good news – know what this means for you???

I’m giving them away for FREE!

The interiors are in PERFECT condition, and the cover is in 99% perfect condition. The only defect is at the very top of the books where they weren’t cut properly. You can hardly tell:


See?? There is a black line across the top, but it’s not very noticeable. The rest of the book is fine:


IF YOU WOULD LIKE ONE OF THESE FREE PAPERBACKS, please comment on this post below. There are only TEN (10) available and is first come, first serve (EDIT: There are now 7 available as of 5:26pm Eastern). However, I AM asking for $5 shipping and packaging. It costs $3 to ship + $1 for packaging + tax = $5. I will NOT be profiting from this in any way. The majority of the original 10 paperbacks that I DID pay for I’m also giving away for free, and I simply cannot afford to pay the $5 shipping for 20 paperbacks. That’s $100 on shipping alone, not to mention how much it cost me to buy the original 10 paperbacks. I hope you can understand. I usually don’t charge for shipping, but my circumstances have changed and I really cannot afford it. Thank you for your understanding! <3

Please email me at baileyardisone@thesweetseries.com if you would like one, OR you can simply comment on this Facebook post below. I will contact you for your address and we can arrange through Paypal the $5 shipping.

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